Quiescing Backup causing BSOD in Windows OS’s on Current VMware Tools


I got notified of this problem earlier today thanks to my awesome BCS engineer.  You can read VMware’s week old KB here.  Essentially certain versions of tools can cause a BSOD when a quiescing operation is done.   This is a big problem for API based backups since when possible they use this method.   There are three solutions provided by VMware at this time:

  • Disable quiescing
  • Do not select Quiescing guest file system when taking a snapshot
  • Downgrade the VMware Tools to previous version not affected

Good news… the latest version of VMware Tools in 6 and 5.5 is affected.  I was notified that a few specific version were affected.  The KB does not specify them.   You can track versions to build numbers via this table: http://packages.vmware.com/tools/versions

I have been told the following are affected:

  • 8399 – 8.6.15
  • 9231 – 9.0.15
  • 9355 – 9.4.11
  • 9216 – 9.10.0


Here is a powershell snippet to locate the machine that are affected:

 $VMS = get-vm |get-view | where {$_.powerstate -ne "PoweredOff" } | where {$_.config.tools.toolsVersion -eq "8399" -or $_.config.tools.toolsVersion -eq "9231" -or $_.config.tools.toolsVersion -eq "9355" -or $_.config.tools.toolsVersion -eq "9216"}


I am not sure if there is a scripted way to downgrade the tools.  Here is VMware method to download older tools version.   As with all my articles you should open a VMware ticket to get specific production assistance.   Let me know if you know a scripted way to downgrade tools.


PowerCLI locate VM’s with multiwriter

Another snippet to locate VM’s with Mutiwritter enabled:

#Create the array

$array = @()

$vms = get-cluster “ClusterName” | get-vm

foreach ($vm in $vms)




$disks = get-advancedsetting -Entity $vm | ? { $_.Value -like “*multi-writer*”  }

foreach ($disk in $disks){

$REPORT = New-Object -TypeName PSObject

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Name -Value $vm.Name

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name VMHost -Value $vm.Host

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Mode -Value $disk.Name

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Type -Value “MultiWriter”

$array += $REPORT





$array | out-gridview

PowerClI locate all the SCSI Bus Sharing VM’s

More things that stop vMotion like SCSI Bus Sharing here is a snippet to locate all of them in a cluster

#Create the array

$array = @()

$vms = get-cluster “ClusterName” | get-vm

#Loop for BusSharingMode

foreach ($vm in $vms)



$disks = $vm | Get-ScsiController | Where-Object {$_.BusSharingMode -eq ‘Physical’ -or $_.BusSharingMode -eq ‘Virtual’}


foreach ($disk in $disks){

$REPORT = New-Object -TypeName PSObject

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Name -Value $vm.Name

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name VMHost -Value $vm.Host

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Mode -Value $disk.BusSharingMode

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Type -Value “BusSharing”

$array += $REPORT





$array | out-gridview

PowerCLI How to locate all RDM’s in a cluster

I love RDM’s they are a royal pain on managability until vSphere 6.   (You can vMotion RDM’s in 6)  Here is a snippet that will allow you to locate all RDM’s in a cluster:

#Create the array

$array = @()

$vms = get-cluster “ClusterName” | get-vm

foreach ($vm in $vms)



$disks = $vm | Get-HardDisk -DiskType “RawPhysical”,”RawVirtual”


foreach ($disk in $disks){

$REPORT = New-Object -TypeName PSObject

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Name -Value $vm.Name

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name VMHost -Value $vm.Host

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Mode -Value $disk.DiskType

$REPORT | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Type -Value “RDM”

$array += $REPORT




$array | out-gridview

Disabling the new ATS heartbeat with PowerCLI

The issue with ESXi 5.5 U2 and 6 seems to be more wide-spread than just IBM storage.   One of the main problems with the current solution in the KB is that is requires that you login to each host individually.  A very smart co-worker provided this script with help from VMware’s BCS team.   He has given me permission to post it to assist others.   No promise that it works perfectly but it should help you on your path.


A few notes:

  • It is set to test for the presence of the setting and do nothing if already set
  • It is set to test if it’s 5.5 or higher
  • It is set to test if it’s build 2068190 or higher



$VIServer = (Read-Host “Type the vCenter servers name and hit [ENTER]”)


if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)

{Add-PsSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core}  <# Checks for the existence of and if not found,

loads the VMware snap-in#>

if (!($DefaultVIServer.Name -eq $VIServer -and $DefaultVIServer.IsConnected -eq “True”)) {

Connect-VIServer $VIServer -Credential (Get-Credential) -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null



$vmhosts = Get-Cluster | Sort Name | Get-VMHost | Sort Name

foreach($vmhost in $vmhosts){

If($vmhost.ApiVersion -ge “5.5”){

If($vmhost.Build -ge “2068190”){

$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -vmhost $vmhost

If(($esxcli.system.settings.advanced.list($false, “/VMFS3/UseATSForHBOnVMFS5”)).IntValue -eq “0”){

Write-Host $vmhost.Name “already set to revert heartbeat” -ForegroundColor White



Write-host “Starting on” $vmHost.name -ForegroundColor Yellow

$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -vmhost $vmhost

$esxcli.system.settings.advanced.set($false, 1, “/VMFS3/UseATSForHBOnVMFS5”)

Write-Host “Finished with” $vmHost.name -ForegroundColor Green




Write-Host $vmhost.name “build is less than U2 (2068190), so skipping host” -ForegroundColor Red




Write-Host $vmhost.Name “ESXi version is less than 5.5, so skipping host” -ForegroundColor Red




I hope it helps you. Please don’t use it unless directed by VMware support.

Sending vCenter Alarms via SNMP Challenges with hidden event names

I have been working with vSphere to get internally generated Alarms an SNMP Trap for ticket generation.   This process seemed simple on the surface but proved quite challenging.   The high level steps are as follows:

  • Choose which vCenter Alarms need to be ticketed
  • Configure the Alarms to send SNMP events to SNMP trap
  • Download the vSphere MIB and install in SNMP Trap
  • Configure the Alarm actions on SNMP Trap
  • Tickets get opened

Choose which vCenter Alarms need to be ticketed

You can get a list of current alarms with powercli as follows:


Configure Alarms to send SNMP

vCenter must be configured to use SNMP with the following lines:

$srv = vcenterservername
Get-AdvancedSettingEntity $srv  –Name snmp.receiver.2.community | Set-AdvancedSettingValue public
Get-AdvancedSettingEntity $srv  –Name snmp.receiver.2.enabled | Set-AdvancedSettingValue $true
Get-AdvancedSettingEntity $srv  –Name snmp.receiver.2.name | Set-AdvancedSettingValue

The following will add SNMP to the alarms:

Get-AlarmDefinition -Name "Alarm1" | New-AlarmAction -Snmp

Configure the Alarm Action in SNMP Trap

I ran into a number of issues that generated this community post .   The essential issue is that all SNMP events generated by vSphere come in as the same type of event vpxaAlarmInfo.  The details of the event contains information an internal name.   This is where the problem begins.   The name for any custom created event is the name of the event.  For example if I create a Alarm called JoeTest then it’s called JoeTest.   Sounds simple right?   Well… no because the VMware built in alarms don’t following this naming convention.   The Host connection and power state (easiest one for me to generate)  is named alarm.HostConnectionStateAlarm.   Making my mappings for any VMware generated events very hard.    So I went on a quest to locate these names.


The Quest for the names

My first stop was PowerCLI using the command:

$bob = Get-AlarmDefinition -Name "Host connection and power state"
$bob | fl


This fine powershell did not produce the alarm.HostConnectionStateAlarm name.  It did produce a Alarm-145 (unique to my vCenter).   I tried lots of ways to work on this object like get-view etc… without any luck.


My next stop was the MOB (Managed Object Browse)  also known as my least favorite place.   Using the following MOB I was able to learn everything about the alarm except the name for SNMP:







This lead me to my last stop the vCenter database.  Some finely crafted searches produced a number of tables with the alarm.xxx information.   I was left with the VPX_EVENT_ARG table.  It seems to be a table of all events in the system.   Inside this I was able to locate names that seemed to fit.   A few more minutes did not produce any primary keys to link to the Alarm tables.   I was stuck so I punted.  The following is a SQL command I used to produce the Alarms names:


select distinct OBJ_NAME from [vCenter].[dbo].[VPX_EVENT_ARG] where obj_name like ‘%alarm%’


It produced the following built in Alarm names:



Testing two additional events confirmed I was on the correct track.


End Result

Yep I don’t have a clue how they link but it produced a list that seems to work and I it.  I hope it helps you save some time.


PowerCLI get list of vMotion IP’s in use

A good friend of mine who’s powershell foo is much stronger than mine shared this snip of powershell.  It can be used to collect the IP addresses of your vMotion interfaces.  It’s pretty much run and go.


$Array = @()

$Clusters = Get-Cluster | Sort Name

ForEach ($Cluster in $Clusters){

$VmHosts = $Cluster | Get-VmHost | Where {$_.ConnectionState -eq “Connected”} | Sort Name

ForEach ($VmHost in $VmHosts){

$Array += Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $VmHost.Name -VMKernel | Where {$_.VMotionEnabled -eq “True”} | select VmHost,IP



$Array | Out-GridView


That’s pretty much it.  You can adjust the Out-GridView to something else if you want Export-CSV.

PowerCLI Change vSphere Alarms to send emails

vSphere 5 comes with a slew of really great alarms prebuilt by VMWare.   There is only one problem by default they all just alarm in the GUI.  I really want to avoid having someone login to find out status.  One organization I worked for had a ticketing system that accepted input as emails.  It was not the cleanest but it worked.  So here are some generic alarms that I recommend switching to email notifications.


“Datastore usage on disk”
“Health status changed Alarm”
“Health status monitoring”
“Insufficient vSphere HA failover resources”
“VMKernel NIC not configured correctly”
“vSphere HA failover in progress”
“vSphere HA host status”


Yes you can manually change them to send emails in the GUI… but it’s a lot quicker to use PowerCLI.  Here are the commands:


Get-AlarmDefinition "Datastore usage on disk" | New-AlarmAction -Email -To “your_email@domain.com” -Subject "Datastore usage on disk" 
Get-AlarmDefinition "Health status changed Alarm" | New-AlarmAction -Email -To “your_email@domain.com” -Subject "Health status changed Alarm" 
Get-AlarmDefinition "Health status monitoring" | New-AlarmAction -Email -To “your_email@domain.com” -Subject "Health status monitoring" 
Get-AlarmDefinition "Insufficient vSphere HA failover resources" | New-AlarmAction -Email -To “your_email@domain.com” -Subject "Insufficient vSphere HA failover resources"
Get-AlarmDefinition "VMKernel NIC not configured correctly" | New-AlarmAction -Email -To “your_email@domain.com” -Subject "VMKernel NIC not configured correctly"
Get-AlarmDefinition "vSphere HA failover in progress" | New-AlarmAction -Email -To “your_email@domain.com” -Subject "vSphere HA failover in progress"
Get-AlarmDefinition "vSphere HA host status" | New-AlarmAction -Email -To “your_email@domain.com” -Subject "vSphere HA host status"



PowerCLI Change VM disk from thin to LazyZero or EagerZero Thick

I had a project where the customer wanted everything converted from thin to thick lazyZero.  Of course I wanted to do this automatically.  Here are a few things to know:

  • Changing the disk type requires you move the disk between luns so it helps to have a go between
  • If you convert EagerZero into thin it will still take up the whole disk

The name of the disk types in powerCLi are different

  • Thin = thin provisioned
  • Thick = lazy zero thick
  • EagerZeroedThick = Eager Zeroed Thick

So here are the commands in powerCli

Move-VM $VM -Datastore $destDS -DiskStorageFormat $disktype

Just replace the following items

  • $VM with name of virtual machine
  • $destDS with destination datastore name
  • $disktype with disk type


So the whole process for hundreds of VM’s would be this

  1. Check destination disk format fits what you want to change from
  2. Check for snapshots
  3. Check for RDM
  4. Move disk to temp storage lun and change format
  5. Move disk back to original datastore and keep changed format
  6. Rinse and repeat



PowerCLI: List how much storage thin provisioning is taking

Ever wonder how much storage is used by your thin provisioned luns?  Well here is some power shell to find out:


Thin provisioned allocation


# Define Variables
$outputFile = 'C:\VMDiskCapacity.csv'
$myCol = @()    # Prepare output collection
$VMs = Get-VM | sort Name    # Get all VMs (sorted)
$counter = 0    # Initialize counter for progress bar
ForEach ($VM in $VMs)    # Loop through VMs
   $counter++    # Increase counter for progress bar
   Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering disk information" -Status "Processing VM $VM" -PercentComplete (100*($counter/$VMs.count))    #
   $myObj = "" |
   select VM, TotalDiskSizeGB # Create output object
   $myObj.VM = $VM.Name    # Virtual Machine Name

   $TotalDiskSizeKB = 0
   ForEach ($DISK in $VM.HardDisks)
      $TotalDiskSizeKB += $DISK.CapacityKB

   $myObj.TotalDiskSizeGB = [math]::Round(($TotalDiskSizeKB * 1KB / 1GB),0) #Disk Size in GB
   $myCol += $myObj    # Add output to collection
$myCol | Export-Csv $outputFile -NoTypeInformation  # Export output to csv