I ran into an issue with NSX in the home lab where a new NSX controller was deploying and a power outage interrupted the deployment. This left me in a state of deploying forever. After waiting a day and being in the same state I removed the inoperable virtual machine from vCenter. The issue persisted in NSX.
As you can see controller-18 is forever deploying. The NSX manager command line showed it as deploying so it’s a database issue somewhere. Since the deployment action was in place it was impossible to remove the controller and the cluster health was bad with only two controllers. I don’t have any magic method for working with the NSX manager database (I assume it’s postgres but I really don’t know) other than the API. So off to the API I went. First I wanted to query for all controllers to make sure I had the correct name (ID field in picture above). So I setup my REST connection for
I returned that the ID is indeed controller-18. Once I knew the controller number is was a simple delete method with the right command line:
Removal via
After this command I queried again to confirm it was gone:
Since 18 was my last controller it returned nothing. Hopefully if you have a stuck deploying NSX controller this article will help you remove it.
Thanks. This has been bothering me for a long time, but I never took the time to actually find how to do it via REST.
Glad it helped
Thanks. That really helped me figure out how this thing works.
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