In the previous set of articles I discussed the following:
- Part 1 Design for Platform services controller
- Part 2 Installing Platform services controller
- Part 3 Setting up replication on the platform services controller
In this article I will discuss how to create the reference design from the following:
The reference replicate design should be:
So we need to add two new replication agreements.
PSC1 <->PC3
First login to psc1.griffiths.local and enable shell. Then change the directory into /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin
Look at the current agreements
Add an agreement with psc3.griffiths.local using the following command:
./vdcrepadmin -f createagreement -2 -h psc3.griffiths.local -u Administrator -H psc1.griffiths.local
You can see that we now have two agreements. Rinse and repeat on PSC2 <=> PSC4 and we have the VVD topology. Notice in this example that I did everything from PSC1 while referencing different PSC’s:
Now you have your replication agreements. Looking at the vdcrepadmin command you have the following options
vdcrepadmin -f showpartners vdcrepadmin -f showpartnerstatus vdcrepadmin -f showservers vdcrepadmin -f createagreement [-2] vdcrepadmin -f removeagreement [-2] vdcrepadmin -f isfirstcycledone
This essentially allows you to:
- Show replication partners – showpartners
- Show replication status (including latest replication number) – showpartnerstatus
- Show all PSC’s in domain – showservers
- Create replication agreement – createagreement
- Remove replication agreement (don’t remove all) – removeagreement
- Check that the PSC has done initial replication – isfirstcycledone
So there you have it health is checked via showpartnerstatus.