VRO to delete lots of virtual switches in NSX

I created a workflow to create 5000 virtual switches in NSX… which was cool.  But it did create 5000 virtual switches which now needed to be deleted.  So I created a new workflow to delete them.   In my case I created all 5000 switches on the same distributed logical router.   I had to delete the DLR before starting this workflow.   I used two RESTAPI calls to complete this work as show below:



Notice the URL templates on both as they are critical.  Otherwise it’s just a RESTAPI call to NSX Manager.

These two workflows along with the RestHost get passed into a workflow as shown:


Otherwise it’s just a scriptable task.  I ran into an issue with it running too fast for NSX manager so I put a 1 second wait in between each call.  Here is the code:

function sleep(milliseconds) {
 var start = new Date().getTime();
 for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
 if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){

//Setup the get request for wires
var inParamtersValues = [];
var request = restOperation.createRequest(inParamtersValues, null);
request.contentType = "";
var response = request.execute();
//prepare output parameters
//System.log("Response: " + response);
statusCode = response.statusCode;
statusCodeAttribute = statusCode;
//System.log("Status code: " + statusCode);
contentLength = response.contentLength;
headers = response.getAllHeaders();
contentAsString = response.contentAsString;


var xmlObj = new XML(contentAsString);

var document = XMLManager.fromString(contentAsString);

var count = document.getElementsByTagName("vdnId");

System.log("Count : " + count.length);

j = 0;

for (i=0; i < count.length; i++)
 //System.log("Scope: " + xmlObj.dataPage.virtualWire[i].objectId + " vdnId: " + xmlObj.dataPage.virtualWire[i].vdnId );
 if ( xmlObj.dataPage.virtualWire[i].vdnId > 5010)
 System.log("Scope: " + xmlObj.dataPage.virtualWire[i].objectId + " vdnId: " + xmlObj.dataPage.virtualWire[i].vdnId );
 var virtualWireID = xmlObj.dataPage.virtualWire[i].objectId;
 var inParamtersValues = [virtualWireID];
 var request = restOperationDelete.createRequest(inParamtersValues, null);
 request.contentType = "";
 var response = request.execute();
 statusCode = response.statusCode;
 System.log("Response : " + statusCode + " Rest request : " + virtualWireID);
System.log("j : " + j + " Total : " + count.length);

It should work great it’s currently set to delete every vnri above 5010 (mine start at 5000)  you can adjust this number to whatever you want…





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