Clear Key Bindings
Once and a while I really screw up my key bindings on my system. When this happends it’s nice to flush the key bindings from the database. From the command line type:
echo "delete from keybindings ;" | mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
Backup Key Bindings
It never hurts to backup your keybindings once and a while before your about to change them. From the command line type:
mysqldump -u mythtv -pmythtv --databases mythconverg --table keybindings > keybindings.sq
Restore from Backup of key bindings
Backups are not very good unless you can restore from the backup. Use the following command to restore a backup.
mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg < keybindings.sql