VCIX-NV VMware Certified Implementation Expert Network Virtualization Exam Experience

While attending VMworld I have made a habit of taking advantage of the discounted certifications.   Each year I have pushed into a new certification and given a try.   This year I have my sights set on VCIX-NV.   I normally like to schedule these tests during the general session to avoid the impact of a 3 hour test during VMworld sessions.  (I can always watch the general sessions on YouTube Later)  This year they closed my secret loop-hole only allowing me to take it during Thursday’s general session.    This has a profound impact on my plans for Wednesday night.   Wednesday Night is the VMworld party which is always really awesome.   I am sad to say I skipped it 100% this year and spent the time studying and going to bed early.   I am happy to announce I passed the exam and earned a VCP-NV and VCIX-NV in the same day.   Here is some details on what I studied:

  • The VMware HOL labs
  • The blueprint documents (yes I read all the documentation provided by VMware except the CLI guide.. it’s a really more of a reference guide)
  • I was lucky to spend some time with Elver Sosa and Ron Flax (both VCDX-NV’s) last year that helped me understand the technology
  • Plural Sight course on NSX by Jason Nash (these are really good)
  • Time in the HOL doing things not on the list (like more firewall rules)


This test requires that you do a series of live exercises that can build upon each other.  Some time management tips are:

  • Skip ahead if allows and see how tasks fit in
  • Read carefully what is expected there are a lot of tips
  • Do what you can partial credit is points (at least I think it is)
  • Spend time before understanding how to troubleshoot nsx and verify your settings
  • Don’t be afraid to skip a question if you really don’t know time is not your friend


It was like the VCAP-DCA test something I really enjoyed doing… I really wish it didn’t have the time crunch but it was a fun exam.  The best advice I can give you is read the blueprint and documents and use the HOL from VMware to gain experience.

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