Using the vMA you can backup and restore individual ESXi hosts using the vicfg-cfgbackup command. If you log into your vMA and type vicfg-cfg-backup –help you get some of the following information:
Synopsis: /usr/bin/vicfg-cfgbackup OPTIONS [<backupfile>] Command-specific options: --force -f Force the restore of the configuration. --load -l Restore configuration onto the host --quiet -q Do not prompt for user confirmation. --reset -r Resets host, restore to factory settings. --save -s Backup the host configuration.
So in order to backup your ESXi host you just need to select a host and do a -s. I like to do these sort of things automatically. Here is my setup:
- Create a location for backups
mkdir ~/backup
- Create a script to do backups
#!/bin/bash # Script created by Joseph Griffiths # # Date to create a unique file date=`/bin/date '+%m-%d-%y-%H-%M'`; # Directory to put the backup backupdir="/home/vi-admin/backup" # How many days we should keep backups days="30" # Function to do backup function backup(){ /opt/vmware/vma/bin/vifptarget -s $1 /usr/bin/vicfg-cfgbackup -s $backupdir/$1-$date.bak } # Do the backup backup "esxi01.vclass.local"; backup "esxi02.vclass.local"; # Clean up find $backupdir -mtime +$days -exec rm -rf {} \;
Well we want to run this automatically each day correct? We can do that with crontab lets set it for 2 am everyday
crontab -e
Enter the following:
0 2 * * * /home/vi-admin/ > /dev/null 2>&1
What about restoring?
It’s done with the same command except the -f for force and -l for load
vicfg-cfgbackup -f -l filename