So you have noticed this folder on your datastore called .dvsData what is it?
This is a folder that stores information on a virtual machines connected port when connected to a virtual distributed switch. Inside this folder is a subdirectory with the UUID of the distrubuted switch. Inside that folder are files that represent a port binding on the vDS switch (which is a specially configured hidden vSwitch).
You can find the vDS’s UUID via the following command:
esxcli network vswitch dvs vmware list
This will also give you a port ID which ties to the file name:
Name: vDS-01 VDS ID: 14 5e 0d 50 af f5 6d 3a-30 ad 00 b0 f5 d7 cc ce Class: etherswitch Num Ports: 512 Used Ports: 4 Configured Ports: 512 MTU: 1500 CDP Status: listen Beacon Timeout: -1 Uplinks: vmnic1 VMware Branded: true DVPort: Client: vmnic1 DVPortgroup ID: dvportgroup-53 In Use: true Port ID: 2 Client: DVPortgroup ID: dvportgroup-53 In Use: false Port ID: 3 Client: DVPortgroup ID: dvportgroup-55 In Use: false Port ID: 132 Client: Win01-A.eth0 DVPortgroup ID: dvportgroup-55 In Use: true Port ID: 133 Client: DVPortgroup ID: dvportgroup-55 In Use: false Port ID: 135 Client: DVPortgroup ID: dvportgroup-55 In Use: false Port ID: 134